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Assistant Superintendent Nic Johnson - Employee Spotlight

Get to know Nic Johnson, one of our incredible Assistant Superintendents who is currently working on an addition at Abe's Garden Community Center. Nic has been with R.C. Mathews for 7 years and has worked on many projects including the historic Werthan Warehouse adaptive reuse and various renovations at Williamson Medical Center. Before joining R.C. Mathews in 2018, Nic started in residential plumbing, HVAC, and shingles when he was 13 years old, and then he went the construction route when he attended MTSU for college. 

Nic's favorite project so far is the adaptive reuse at Werthan Warehouse because of its rich history getting to restore and reuse many of the building’s original elements. Along those lines, his favorite type of project is historic renovations because of the unique architecture and complexity involved. Nic's favorite part of his job is being on the job from start to finish and seeing how teamwork and overcoming challenges along the way pays off. In 2025, Nic is looking forward to topping out Abe’s Garden and tying the new building into the existing building.

Rapid Fire Questions: 

Tool Nic Could Not Live Without On-Site: His trustee iPad because it is a very helpful tool for seeing drawings, reports, submittals, etc. on-site.
Go-To Snack: Beef Jerky
Best Tip To Give Your Younger Self: Get as much on the job experience in a trade that’s similar to what you want to do.
Favorite RCMC Event: The Superintendent Shooting Range Outing.
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, wake surfing, hiking, hunting, and fishing.                                                                        

Nic is an invaluable member of our team, and his strong work ethic and eagerness to continuously learn are integral to the success of each of his projects. 


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